

12 August 2022 / 15 Av 5782

11 am

Register Office

1 Tidmarsh Lane, Oxford

12 pm


1 pm

Lunch & Tena'im

Judge's Room, Oxford Town Hall

Free time

6:30 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat

Humanistic Friday night service in the style of Kehilat Kolenu. Feel free to join for songs and merriment!

Middle Common Room, St Peter's College


14 August 2022 / 17 Av 5782

2 pm

Garden Party with High Tea

Wheatley Manor

The Venues

Oxford Register Office

1 Tidmarsh Lane, Oxford OX1 1NS

Located in the heart of Oxford, the Register Office is easily accessible on foot.

Wheatley Manor

26 High St, Wheatley OX33 1XX

Wheatley is a short bus ride away from Oxford. Catch bus number 280 at the train station or Oxford High Street. Google Maps seems to have the numbers in the wrong place, but it's the one that looks like a manor house.